An approach to the relating ones theoretical of the formation of the Identity in the Primary Schoo

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Irina Yatsenko Seminternado


The investigation was based on the cultural historical focus constituting the methodological b ase for the dialectical interpretation - materialistic of the identity; it demonstrated the restlessness about the topic from early times and until the present time, analyzing it from different subjects. The process of formation of the identity in the stud ents is related with the solid prepa ration of the teachers that they should modernize and to supplement its knowledge, constituting a priority in the current Cuban school, playing a fundamental paper the different roads, so much curricular as extracurricul ar and its necessary interrelations, without leaving the educational potential that h e offers him the nearest environment


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How to Cite
Yatsenko Seminternado, I. (2015). An approach to the relating ones theoretical of the formation of the Identity in the Primary Schoo. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(4), 415–420. Retrieved from


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