Lexicography in relation to Informatics

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Nidia Echevarría Bustamante
Moraima Pérez Barrera
Haydeé Elena Martínez Bencomo


The linguistic science considers among its studies, Lexicology, a discipline which reviews the genesis of the elaboration of dictionaries, and the aspects related to its formal structure, the typology, the compiling methods or the existing links between th is and other disciplines either linguistic or not. Its typology corresponds to the different subject matters that go beyond the study of a language. A new reality of these lexicographic products is reflected in the digital world, allowing a greater access to knowledge and an amazing speed in the search of information.


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How to Cite
Echevarría Bustamante, N., Pérez Barrera, M., & Martínez Bencomo, H. E. (2015). Lexicography in relation to Informatics. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(3), 246–251. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/757


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