Some theoretical considerations for the development of conversational competence in students career - Spanish Literature

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Ana Delia Barrera Jimenez
Liliana Álvarez Alons


The present article aims to reflect, from current conceptions of discourse and its didactic, on the development of conversational competence in students from the Spanish - literature career , in order to enhance their future performance in this direction, as it is conversation, the main communicative and interacti ve way not only regularly, but from a pedagogical point of view. To do this, it is pointed out in the the oretical and methodological considerations clues about this type of text, which is considered essential for the development of the teaching - learning process.


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How to Cite
Barrera Jimenez, A. D., & Álvarez Alons, L. (2014). Some theoretical considerations for the development of conversational competence in students career - Spanish Literature. Mendive. Journal on Education, 12(4), 497–504. Retrieved from


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