Dangerous Liaisons between photography and painting

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Yovany Álvarez García
Paula Esther Azcuy Chiroles
Yanulde Massano Galvez


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Álvarez García, Y., Azcuy Chiroles, P. E., & Massano Galvez, Y. (2013). Dangerous Liaisons between photography and painting. Mendive. Journal on Education, 11(2), 272–277. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/604


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Tausk, Petr. (1984). Historia de la fotografía en el siglo XX. Editorial Oriente, Santiago de Cuba.

Tharall Soby, James. (1957) Modern Art and the New Past, Norman.pp. 158 a 163. 5. Yoxal Jones, Edgar. (1973) Father of Art Photography.O.GRejlander, Londres.

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