Communicative language teaching: need and challenge

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Bertha Elena Díaz Herrera
Ileana Galván Vidal


To master a foreign language has become an indspensable condition in the present world, to up-to-date through the reading of publications in a foreign language, and to stablish oral and written communication with other specialists, as well as, to widen knowledge in a general way. The process of teaching-learning of languages corresponds with the speaker ́s socio-political and economic necessities. It is necessary to find didactic alternatives which lead to the betterment of the linguistic abilities in t he students who learn English with Specific Purposes.


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How to Cite
Díaz Herrera, B. E., & Galván Vidal, I. (2011). Communicative language teaching: need and challenge. Mendive. Journal on Education, 10(1), 3–7. Retrieved from


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