Academic performance and creativity in university students: bibliographic analysis and design of a proposal to determine their relationship

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Katherin Rodríguez Jáquez


The relationship between academic performance and creative ability has recently sparked increasing interest. Creativity does not only involve generating original ideas, but is related to skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and intrinsic motivation, which contribute positively to academic performance. Therefore, it is important to foster creative environments in education that motivate students to investigate, explore, and delve deeper into their learning. This work seeks to explore the relationship between creativity and academic performance in Dominican university students, a topic that has been little researched in the Dominican Republic. The study sought to determine a correlation between these variables through an exhaustive bibliographic review and a qualitative approach methodology and non-experimental design, with a cross-sectional and documentary type. The evidence found showed that, although over the years there has not been a consensus on the relationship between academic performance and creativity, some current research indicates a positive correlation between both variables. Therefore, a design was proposed to test this hypothesis by studying a sample of students from various universities in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, selected equally between men and women; and creativity was measured through a creative intelligence test and academic performance through the cumulative academic index. It is expected to obtain significant results that could influence the country's education, promoting strategies that foster creativity as a key to academic success.


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Rodríguez Jáquez, K. (2025). Academic performance and creativity in university students: bibliographic analysis and design of a proposal to determine their relationship . Mendive. Journal on Education, 23(1), e3924. Retrieved from


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