Mobile devices as didactic mediators in the teaching of statistics

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Usel Consuegra Hernández
Agustín Adolfo Martín Pérez
Yaquelin Morales Molina


The use of didactic mediators was of vital importance to optimize work in classes and in this way guarantee learning in Higher Education students. In the case of Statistics, to easily operate these didactic mediators using mobile devices since their applications provide a good opportunity to show students their usefulness by quickly working on application exercises for the different contents, which is why this article was intended The objective is to present and socialize a methodological procedure for teaching Statistics through the use of mobile devices as didactic mediators. Theoretical level methods such as synthetic analytical, historical and logical methods were used. At the empirical level, document review, interviews, performance observation, pedagogical testing and expert consultation were used. As a sample, students from the Agricultural Engineering program at the University of Ciego de Ávila were part of this research. This result can be generalized to other university courses. With the application of this methodological procedure, it was possible to improve student learning in the contents of this discipline.


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How to Cite
Consuegra Hernández, U., Martín Pérez, A. A., & Morales Molina, Y. (2024). Mobile devices as didactic mediators in the teaching of statistics. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(2), e3693. Retrieved from


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