The Moodle platform in the teaching-learning process of Agrarian Law

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Jorge Félix Gual Ramos


The Moodle platform offers higher education and especially the teaching-learning process of the Agrarian Law subject, many possibilities for communication and exchange between the subjects of that process itself. In the research carried out, deficiencies were detected regarding the aforementioned process, since the integrated articulation of Information and Communication Technologies and especially the Moodle platform to carry out independent work guided by the teacher is still insufficient, in addition there is lack of knowledge by teachers and students of the potential that this tool can offer. The objective of this article is to propose a teaching strategy to carry out independent work using the Moodle platform. The methods used were analysis and synthesis, historical-logical, document analysis, observation, survey and interview. The final result of this article is a didactic strategy for the teaching-learning process of Agrarian Law. It can be concluded that the planned and directed use of the Moodle platform in the teaching-learning process of Agrarian Law contributes to the achievement of the student's independent work efficiently.


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How to Cite
Gual Ramos, J. F. (2023). The Moodle platform in the teaching-learning process of Agrarian Law. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3392. Retrieved from


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