The didactics of the mother tongue for the strengthening of culture identity

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Dayaidys Leiva Ramírez
Tania Hernández Mayea
Ana Ivis Bonachea Pérez
Rolando Enebral Rodríguez
Tatiana García Echemendía


The teaching-learning process of the mother tongue in the Bachelor of Education, Spanish-Literature course and the strengthening of cultural identity are based on the contributions of Cuban pedagogy, the dialectical-materialist method whose most current expression in Cuba is it manifests itself in the cognitive, communicative and sociocultural approach, 6 on the conceptions of the historical-cultural school and the developer teaching. Also in the educational framework, from the interrelation of the student with the cultural context in which he develops. The objective was to characterize the components of the teaching-learning process of the mother tongue in the Bachelor of Education, Spanish-Literature degree at the University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" for the strengthrning of cultural identity from the study of marti´s work. During the investigative process the methods were applied: analytical-synthetic and document analysis. A characterization of the aforementioned components is proposed. This evidenced the potential of the teaching-learning process of the mother tongue to strengthen cultural identity based on the treatment of language as an expression and support of cultural identity and the use of marti´s work.


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How to Cite
Leiva Ramírez, D., Hernández Mayea, T., Bonachea Pérez, A. I., Enebral Rodríguez, R., & García Echemendía, T. (2023). The didactics of the mother tongue for the strengthening of culture identity. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3264. Retrieved from


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