The formation of logical thinking in the teaching learning process of Geometry

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Yaquelin Morales Molina
Raydi Teydi Rojas Angel Bello
Ibrahim Arnaiz Barrios


Taking into account the importance of the formation of logical thinking, whose fundamental task is to raise the quality of learning, the professionals who graduate from the Bachelor of Mathematics Education career play an important role in fulfilling such purposes, since they contribute to the mathematical training of adolescents and young people. As the forms of logical thought are concepts, judgments and reasoning, in the Didactics of Mathematics, logical procedures associated with these three forms of logical thought have been specified. Training these professionals in logical thinking based on the ability to demonstrate exercises with geometric content is a current need; That is why the present work aims to: offer a definition, actions and distinctive operations for the ability to demonstrate in the teaching-learning process of Geometry that allow it to be associated with the three forms of logical thinking and not just one of them. As it is currently done. Methods of the theoretical and empirical level were used, all under a general dialectical-materialist methodological approach, whose results allowed to carry out a theoretical analysis of the formation of logical thought, as well as to establish the definition, actions and distinctive operations for the ability to demonstrate in the process of teaching learning of Geometry, achieving a contribution to the theory of Didactics of Mathematics that guides students and teachers in the teaching learning process of these mathematical contents.


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How to Cite
Morales Molina, Y., Rojas Angel Bello, R. T., & Arnaiz Barrios, I. (2022). The formation of logical thinking in the teaching learning process of Geometry. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(4), 1207–1218. Retrieved from


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