The formation of the patriotism through Marti works in the university students

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Juan Carlos Hernández Martín
Isabel Reinoso Castillo


In the Superior Education the work with the work martiana is of vital importance in the formation of values as the patriotism, internationalism, antimperialismo. With the appearance of the Notebook Martiano IV Martí in the University allows the university students to give continuity to the Notebook III. Preuniversitario where it is present the political-social thought and revolutionary of the National Hero. The present article has as fundamental objective to Elaborate a system of activities through the work martiana for the formation of the value patriotism using the Notebook IV Marti in the University. The improvement of the programs of the Superior Education offers an opportunity so that the non alone students from the class encounter, but also from the university extension participating in the Class Martiana familiarizes with texts little studied of José Martí. Methods of the theoretical and empiric level were used as: Historical and logical, the systemic-structural focus, the analysis of documents, the interview, interviews, observation. As a result a proposal of system of activities was elaborated through the work martiana for the formation of the value patriotism in the students of the career of Accounting and Finances that it allows a bigger profundización in the study of the thought martiano and they can develop a bigger linking with the profile of the profession.


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How to Cite
Hernández Martín, J. C., & Reinoso Castillo, I. (2022). The formation of the patriotism through Marti works in the university students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(2), 583–601. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Hernández Martín, Centro Universitario Municipal Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca

Profesor del Centro Universitario Municipal de Consolación del Sur. Máster en Ciencias. Profesor auxiliar.

Isabel Reinoso Castillo, Centro Universitario Municipal de Consolación del Sur

Directora del Centro Universitario Municipal de Consolación del Sur. Máster en Ciencias. Profesora auxiliar


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