Foundations of a training model for preschool educators who direct Physical Education

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Rasciel de la Caridad Zayas Acosta
Juan Francisco Pérez Torres
Faustino Camejo León
Gustavo Pacheco Ruíz


The third improvement of the National Early Childhood Education System traces as one of the main aspirations, the preparation of the educators to lead a higher quality educational process; where the educators attend all areas of development, among which is the area of Physical Education. The objective of this article is to establish a training model for educators for the improvement of the direction of the Physical Education area, as part of the educational process in preschool childhood. The materialist dialectical method is assumed as the most general method, which allows the determination of a system of theoretical methods, among them: logical methods such as modeling, systemic and structural-functional; as well as the procedures that make up the method: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. The selected population was 32 educators and 25 managers. The result of the research is expressed in a training model for educators, reveals the components in the theoretical, methodological and procedural levels. As conclusions are established, the links between the direction of the educational process developer of Physical Education in preschool childhood and training actions for the transformation of the actions of educators, as protagonists of the process they develop, to promote professional and human improvement, from establishing interdisciplinary links, identifying the problems and potentialities of the infantile context, as well as the inclusion of directed self-improvement and collaborative complementation from educational practice.


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How to Cite
Zayas Acosta, R. de la C., Pérez Torres, J. F., Camejo León, F., & Pacheco Ruíz, G. (2021). Foundations of a training model for preschool educators who direct Physical Education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(4), 1229–1246. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Rasciel de la Caridad Zayas Acosta, Universidad "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Trabaja en el departamento de educación física de servicio de la Universidad de Pinar del Río. Profesor Auxiliar, Doctor en ciencias de la Educación


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