Some considerations about the weakening of the vibrant distensiva in Pinar del Rio variant of Spanish spoken in Cuba

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José Luis Darias Concepción


The articulatory weakening is a phenomenon that now affects the Hispanic world to the extensional phonemes and phonological system of Spanish spoken in Cuba, and specifically liquid phonemes of Pinar del Rio variant is not exempt from this influence. This brings in the liquid are a number of phonetic variants that represent the different stages through which passes this debilatorio process, which is always of great interest for both articulatory and acoustic studies also occurs. The vibrant phonemes is one of the most outstanding for its wide polyphony and its realization in the Spanish Pinar del Rio is no exception. The abundant phonic variability of final / r / is also present in the Pinar del Rio talks, but data from nue stra research show that in the Spanish of Pinar del Rio is currently developing a weakening of this liquid that does not correspond with that It manifested in the Hispanic Caribbean, results discussed in this article.


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How to Cite
Darias Concepción, J. L. (2003). Some considerations about the weakening of the vibrant distensiva in Pinar del Rio variant of Spanish spoken in Cuba. Mendive. Journal on Education, 1(2), 116–122. Retrieved from


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