Determinants for the teaching of Cuban History in the context of medical education
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Introduction: The teaching of Cuban History in Higher Medical Education needs to be anchored in specific determinants for what it can contribute to the integral formation of the future graduate.
Objective: To base the determinants on which the educational process of Cuban history should be based in the context of higher education.
Materials and methods: Qualitative research aimed at strengthening the educational process of the discipline History at the University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río. Based on the dialectical materialist method, it used theoretical methods: the historical-logical and systemic approach. From the empirical methods level, a survey and an observation guide were applied to classes. Descriptive statistics was used.
Results: 44.4% (12) do not master the professional model defined in the Medical Sciences for each of the careers. 55.5% (15) know the professional model although they acknowledge that they do not know it entirety. 85.1% of teachers (23) acknowledge that they superficially dominate the objectives defined for each year in the different careers. 44.4% (12) of the teachers think that defining the historical processes to be studied at this level of education is dificult. Only in 48.1% (26) of the classes visited the teachers did work according to the professional model. 27.7% (15) of the observed classes showed to be tributary to the objectives defined per year. In 51.8% (28) of the classes, work was visualized based on research, and in terms of historical processes, 50% (27) were able to project work with process conception.
Conclusions: The teaching of Cuban History emerged in Higher Medical Education with the objective of continuing to consolidate the integral humanistic formation of future health professionals who will also carry out educational work in the community. The particularities of the teaching of Cuban History in the context of medical training require a different approach based essentially on the model of the professional and that leads to the teacher becoming a counselor, driver, of students who are autonomous, reflective and capable. In correspondence with these purposes, the determinants for the teaching of Cuban History have been defined in this research, which, without claiming to be a recipe, can reorient the teaching of a Discipline that is called to be a center in the formation of future health professionals.
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