Marti's presence in the formation of Integral General Teacher

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Beatriz Páez Rodríguez
Dania Reguiera Martínez
Osvaldo Echevarria Ceballos


This article meditates on Marti’s presence in the Integral General Professor's formative process in the Secondary School, and recognizes as effective and necessary foundations for his formation; the roots of the Cuban pedagogy and mainly its culminating point, our National Hero, José Martí’s figure, faithful representative of the Cuban educational tradition. In this article we consider that it constitutes a starting point for such a great task


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How to Cite
Páez Rodríguez, B., Reguiera Martínez, D., & Echevarria Ceballos, O. (2005). Marti’s presence in the formation of Integral General Teacher. Mendive. Journal on Education, 4(1), 58–62. Retrieved from


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