The mentally retarded students’ formation as citizens

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Olivia García Reyes
Julio Jesús Sierra Socorro


The citizen formation of students with mental retardation constitute a challenge starting from its importance in the integral formation of the personality of the student s which determines their prepa ration for everyday life and adult independence , and their implication in the profile of the student It is approache d in this article definitions of citizen formation from philosophical, legal and psychological points of views, and they are analy s e d taking into consideration the variability of development of the student with mental retardation. It is also take n into consideration the conditions that the society offers for effective achievement of this process.


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How to Cite
García Reyes, O., & Sierra Socorro, J. J. (2014). The mentally retarded students’ formation as citizens. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(1), 26–32. Retrieved from


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