Implementation of Genially as a strategy in the teaching-learning process of Natural Sciences
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Digital tools are widely used in the educational field and make the student have a much more active role in education, as long as they are used creatively, due to the wide variety of ways in which technology can be introduced in the classroom. In this regard, the objective of this research was to propose a strategy for the implementation of the digital tool Genially in the teaching-learning process of Natural Sciences in Basic General Education of the Educational Unit "March 22", in the canton of San Lorenzo, province of Esmeraldas, Ecuador. A methodology with a mixed, descriptive approach was used. A field diagnosis was carried out at the educational center, together with a bibliographic research, in order to know the main problems that the students present. The results show that, according to the perception of the teachers and students surveyed, in the case of the former they do not have high digital skills, specifically in the skills, knowledge and experiences in using the interactive tool Genially. To this end, a strategy was created for the use of the aforementioned tool, which includes a training and education plan, based on the interpretation of the findings of the empirical study, for Natural Sciences teachers. It is concluded that the use of Genially in the teaching-learning process of Natural Sciences offers an innovative and dynamic approach that promotes the active participation of students. The proposed strategy highlights Genially's versatility to create engaging and personalized educational resources.
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