Educational strategy for the development of self-determination in students with intellectual disabilities

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Deyanira Duverger Calderín
Miriam Duany Timosthe
Gloria Guerra Mercado


The dizzying development of the scientific-technical revolution and its impact on the educational sphere require the continuous improvement of the directors of special education educational institutions, since it is their responsibility to scientifically direct the educational processes, advise teachers, families and coordinate with the socio-educational agents of the school network to achieve in students the development of practical-social skills and quality learning for life, so that they graduate fit and capable of interacting appropriately in their socio-family environment. Hence, the need to implement actions aimed at the professional improvement of the director. The article exposes a pedagogical improvement strategy to transform the modes of action of special education managers in the direction of scientific-methodological work aimed at the development of self-determination skills in students with intellectual disabilities. Theoretical and empirical methods were used to identify and solve the improvement needs of managers. The novelty of the strategy lies in the articulated conception of the different forms of improvement, established in Advanced Education, from the municipality's work system, with a systemic, planned and conscious character. With its implementation, the professional and personal performance of the managers and students was improved, who graduated with the empowerment of skills for making decisions, making choices, solving problems and establishing goals and objectives.


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How to Cite
Duverger Calderín, D., Duany Timosthe, M., & Guerra Mercado, G. (2024). Educational strategy for the development of self-determination in students with intellectual disabilities. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(2), e3651. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Deyanira Duverger Calderín, Provincial Directorate of Education, Santiago de Cuba

Trabajo en la Dirección Provincial de Educación en Santiago de Cuba. Me desempeño como metodóloga provincial de Educación Especial.

Miriam Duany Timosthe, University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba


Es Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesor Titular. Trabaja en el Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos Manuel F. Gran en la Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba



Gloria Guerra Mercado, University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesor Titular. Trbaja en el Departamento de Educación Especial de la Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


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