The methodological work in the planning and organization of the teaching schedule. Didactic conception, implementation strategy

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María de la Caridad González Ramos
Santiago Jorge Rivera Pérez


In the university, educational work is concretized in the methodological work process, particularly in the planning and organization of graphic and teaching schedules, as these guarantee the efficient integration and systematization of teaching activities. The objective is aimed at socializing a didactic conception of the methodological work process in the planning and organization of graphic and teaching schedules, and the design of a strategy for its implementation at the University of Pinar del Río. Based on the didactic conception, a strategy was designed and applied for the implementation of the methodological work process in the planning and organization of graphic and teaching schedules at the University of Pinar del Río. Theoretical methods such as historical-logical and modeling were used, as well as empirical methods such as document analysis and interviews with teachers, along with participatory action research methodology. The main results were in the strategy based on a group of ideas and supported by the principles of scientific character, the relationship between theory and practice, and the creative, conscious, and active character of the management process through the stages of planning and organization of graphic and teaching schedules. As conclusions, it is evident that it is important to conceive the teaching schedule as a navigation chart for decision-making in professional training.


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González Ramos, M. de la C., & Rivera Pérez, S. J. (2023). The methodological work in the planning and organization of the teaching schedule. Didactic conception, implementation strategy. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3604. Retrieved from


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