Measure, a specific professional skill for teachers of Mathematics-Physics

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Evelio Guillermo Pozo Velázquez
Jesús Pérez López
Rafael Hernández Cruz Pérez


This work aims at the validation of measuring skill as one of the bassic professi onal skill conceived for the formation of the Physics professor from the definitions given by A. Márquez(1987) and H. Fuentes(1994) in one of a first approximation, in order to make later, a validation of the conceptual and operational structure of this sk ill taking into consideration the definition of the concept of measurement given by the necessity of the social task in the formation to the first ́year student in the career Mathematics–Physics in the University of Pedagogical Science “Rafael María de Mendive” in Pinar del Río.


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How to Cite
Pozo Velázquez, E. G., Pérez López, J., & Cruz Pérez, R. H. (2010). Measure, a specific professional skill for teachers of Mathematics-Physics. Mendive. Journal on Education, 9(1), 30–34. Retrieved from


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