Anecdote and historical story: avenues for patriotic education of primary school

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Ada Lucía Bonilla Vichot


The patriotic formation of primary school students constitutes an i mportant task nowadays, in it different factors intervene, such as: school, family and community. Since the early age the child begins to relate with the environment and persons, and as a result of his relation with all of them, the child starts to form fe elings of love towards everything around him. It is very necessary that either the educational institution or the family lead the child to get in touch to the roots of our history, to know its heroes and martyrs, the national symbols and relevant events, where the anecdote and the historical review plays an important role to fulfill this goal. This article presents some analysis in this direction.


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How to Cite
Bonilla Vichot, A. L. (2009). Anecdote and historical story: avenues for patriotic education of primary school. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(2), 129–134. Retrieved from


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