Challenges associated with the implementation of effective oral presentations in the virtual classroom

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Claudine Glenda Benoit Ríos
Mabel Andrea Ortiz Navarrete


The development of oral communication skills is decisive in teacher training. However, the systematization of its teaching is a complex phenomenon, which has been accentuated even more with the incorporation of virtual methodologies, because, although these have contributed to the knowledge and learning of students, they have revealed some difficulties associated with the implementation of tasks linguistics under this modality. In this framework, the general objective was to analyze the implications of the implementation of oral presentations, in a virtual context, for teacher training and their future work. The study was descriptive, based on a qualitative approach. The sample was of an intentional non-probabilistic type, consisting of 60 students of language pedagogy careers. The collection of information was carried out through three questionnaires, composed of open questions, which allowed obtaining information regarding the perceptions of students about the process and about the difficulties and challenges associated with oral presentation through digital technologies. The main findings allow us to visualize important challenges associated with the development of oral communicative competence in virtual mode. At the same time, oral presentation stands out as an adequate strategy for the transmission of knowledge, for the strengthening of teacher training, for the construction of meanings and for the permanent feedback of the processes.


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How to Cite
Benoit Ríos, C. G., & Ortiz Navarrete, M. A. (2023). Challenges associated with the implementation of effective oral presentations in the virtual classroom. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3349. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Claudine Glenda Benoit Ríos, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

Académica Departamento de Didáctica, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Concepción, Chile.

Títulos y grados:

• Profesor de Español (Universidad de Concepción)

• Doctor en Lingüística (Universidad de Concepción)

• Magíster en Lingüística (Universidad de Concepción)

• Licenciado en Educación, mención Español (Universidad de Concepción)

• Diplomado en Práctica Reflexiva para Docentes y Formadores (Centro de Investigación para la administración educativa, México)

• Diplomado en Innovación de la Docencia para la Educación Superior (Laspau)

• Diplomado en Innovación en la enseñanza de la Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Humanidades y Matemáticas, STHEM (Laspau)

Mabel Andrea Ortiz Navarrete, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

  • Profesora de inglés como lengua extranjera
  • Doctora en Lingüística
  • Magister en Tecnologías de la Información


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