A healthier way to control harmful agents: biological control

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Célida León Hernández
Élida Cordero Peña
Marta Suárez Cué


This article is based on the assessment of the biological struggle, as an essential element in the Entire Management of Plagues, in order to reduce de negative impact that the irrational use of chemical products produces on nature, and in order to increase the good production of products from plantations designed to human feeding. In this way, we accomplish the relation between food-health-life quality, as the Food and Agriculture Organization has proposed. That’s why the biological control is getting more importance day by day, just because it offers an appropriate way to solve problems in fito-protection, and also, because it helps in the preservation of bio-diversity, as well as in the maintenance of the natural balance, that has being broken since a long time ago because of different causes.


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How to Cite
León Hernández, C., Cordero Peña, Élida, & Suárez Cué, M. (2008). A healthier way to control harmful agents: biological control. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(1), 31–34. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/329


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