Teacher performance during the pandemic and its impact today

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Marleni Mirian Monterroso-Vargas
Yolanda Josefina Huayta-Franco
Maritza Emperatriz Guzman-Meza


During the pandemic, teachers reinvented themselves in their work, and the need arose to adapt to the demands of remote education. The aim of this article is to analyse teaching performance during the pandemic and its impact today. The following databases were used to search for information: Scopus, SciELO, ERIC, EBSCO and Academic Onefile. The contents were analysed using Gowin's V methodology, which allowed us to ask the following questions: What happened to teacher performance during the pandemic? What factors influenced teacher performance? What dimensions of teacher performance were prioritised? What is the relationship between managerial leadership and teacher performance? The studies indicate that teacher performance is key to improving the quality of education in an institution. During the pandemic, it was focused on the pedagogical use of technological resources that allowed for the development of learning with students, which is why there was a slight decrease in teacher performance. It is concluded that teaching performance was centred on the empowerment of digital resources and the importance of their evaluation by peers and principals, through the dimensions proposed in the framework of good teaching performance, under two approaches: formative and critical-reflective. Other factors that determined teacher performance were: the pedagogical leadership of the principal, considered as a paradigm and promoter of the organisational culture, and the incentive policy that helped to improve teacher performance because it motivated them intrinsically and extrinsically.


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How to Cite
Monterroso-Vargas, M. M., Huayta-Franco, Y. J., & Guzman-Meza, M. E. (2023). Teacher performance during the pandemic and its impact today. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(2), e3281. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/3281
Author Biographies

Marleni Mirian Monterroso-Vargas, "Universidad Cesar Vallejo"

Magíster en  Administración de la Educación, directora de la I.E 20595 "José Gabriel Condorcanqui" Huarochirí, Lima-Perú.

Yolanda Josefina Huayta-Franco, "Universidad César Vallejo"


Docente investigadora RENACYT en la Universidad César Vallejo, Lima-Perú.

Scopus Autor ID: 57461971300

Maritza Emperatriz Guzman-Meza, "Universidad César Vallejo"

Docente investigadora  en la Universidad César Vallejo, Lima-Perú.


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