Pedagogical model for the export of academic services. View from the educational sciences

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Lis Cuesta Peraza
Silvia Navarro Quintero


The article presents the theoretical and methodological modeling of a pedagogical model proposal for the export of academic services in the Paradiso agency in Cuba. The study gives meaning to the idea that this should be recognized as a type of specialized tourism where the trip has a high educational content, since not everything is learned in the classroom, but also in non-classroom spaces. A macro social research on education, active, participatory, mixed or combined concurrent, was conceived, with an emphasis on the qualitative that includes the linking of empirical, theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods. The result that is made visible establishes the purpose, the objectives, the principles, as well as the characterization of the duty to be that should govern the work of the export of academic services and its transformation strategy. In the same way, the forms of implementation and evaluation of the scientific result that is conceived are included.


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How to Cite
Cuesta Peraza, L., & Navarro Quintero, S. (2023). Pedagogical model for the export of academic services. View from the educational sciences. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(1), e3206. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Silvia Navarro Quintero, Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagogicas

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagogicas, Máster en Educación Especial. Directora del Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagogicas .


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