Problem-Based Learning: most likely scenario of application in the Ecuadorian high school

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Gustavo Bernardo Tipán Cañaveral
Daniel Fernando Tipán Cañaveral
Alejandro Rubén Zapata Cañaveral
David Fernando Arroyo Nazareno


Problem-based learning is one of the teaching approaches that in recent decades has made it possible to advance in the improvement of educational processes, by promoting a greater role for students, interaction with the environment through knowledge and solutions to specific situations. In the work, an analysis was carried out to define the most probable scenario on the application of this method at the high school level in Ecuador. For this, theoretical analysis methods were applied based on updated bibliography and the consultation of seven experts in secondary education in Ecuador for the development of a prospective qualitative analysis method, which allowed defining the most probable scenario. The study carried out demonstrated the importance of applying the method in high school, considering the particular characteristics of teenagers, their level of intellectual and psychological development; as well as the social relationships established with their peers, teachers, family and the environment in general; however, with the application of the scenario analysis based on the criteria of the participating specialists and processing with the SMIC-ProbExpert software, it was determined as well as identified that it is most likely that none of the future hypotheses for its implementation will be met. in the country generally. For this purpose, the importance of teacher preparation and institutional support was ratified.


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How to Cite
Tipán Cañaveral, G. B., Tipán Cañaveral, D. F., Zapata Cañaveral, A. R., & Arroyo Nazareno, D. F. (2022). Problem-Based Learning: most likely scenario of application in the Ecuadorian high school. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(3), 809–820. Retrieved from


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