Relationship as Interdisciplinary methodological basis for an Energy Education through the study of the processes of the human organism

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Eduardo Puentes Borges


This work aims to provide simple information about the efforts that science teachers ISP have developed to achieve so important for our people in times that are experienced and even more for our students for the important role energy education they deserve in compliance with such high commitment given the social role they should play. In the same it gives a general idea of how to accomplish this with the use of interdisciplinary relationships between physics and biology to address the energy content of the topic by analyzing it as the basis of the processes occurring in the body.


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How to Cite
Puentes Borges, E. (2003). Relationship as Interdisciplinary methodological basis for an Energy Education through the study of the processes of the human organism. Mendive. Journal on Education, 1(3), 147–151. Retrieved from


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