Learning based on the application of the Flipped Classroom model in university students

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Wilfredo Bulege-Gutiérrez
Carolina Cristóbal-Tembladera
Elizabeth Coronel-Capacyachi


The flipped classroom is a learning methodology that combines e-learning and the face-to-face classroom, its purpose being to improve learning by allowing students to control the time and pace of their online learning and maximize their active learning. The objective was to determine the level of learning of the students of the Universidad Continental using the traditional model compared to the flipped classroom. The methodology was based on the participation of students in two groups, a Control Group who developed their sessions traditionally, and an Experimental Group to whom the flipped classroom model was applied; the population consisted of 240 male and female students from various professional careers; the sample was non-probabilistic, for convenience, with a size of 159 students, 80 (Control Group) and 79 (Experimental Group), for the measurement of learning a pedagogical test of 20 items was applied. Among the results, the learning results of the students of the Control Group based on the traditional method obtained a post-test mean of 13.09, and the Experimental Group based on the flipped classroom obtained 14.44, higher than the Control Group. Regarding the qualifications, the highest score of the post-test corresponds to the Experimental Group (19), and in the Control Group (18); the standard deviation shows that the EG results are lower. In conclusion, there is a significant difference between learning based on the flipped classroom compared to the traditional classroom, corroborated with the p-value of 1.543e-08 less than the significance of 0.05.


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How to Cite
Bulege-Gutiérrez, W., Cristóbal-Tembladera, C., & Coronel-Capacyachi, E. (2022). Learning based on the application of the Flipped Classroom model in university students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(1), 228–238. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/2749
Author Biography

Wilfredo Bulege-Gutiérrez, Universidad Continental, Huancayo

Profesor Asociado de la Universidad Continental, Perú.


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