Preserving biodiversity from a political approach to the use of an environmentally friendly alternative

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Elida Cordero Peña
Marta María Suárez Cué
Célida León Hernández


The integral cultural formation and the confirmation of values constitute main objective of the Professional Technical Education, assuming as essential element the unity of the educational, the instructive and the developing aspects, contributing to a general culture. In the protection of economically important crops, the cultural control constitutes one of the most important alternatives due to the objective that it pursues, that is to say, to reactivate or to reinforce the natural mechanisms of regulation. For that reason the developed work suggests to preserve the biodiversity using the Cultural Method as an ecological alternative in the fitoprotection, from an ideological political approach; it is also suggested the necessity of orientation as bases of the activity, apart from assuming the foundations of the advanced education.


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How to Cite
Cordero Peña, E., Suárez Cué, M. M., & León Hernández, C. (2007). Preserving biodiversity from a political approach to the use of an environmentally friendly alternative. Mendive. Journal on Education, 5(4), 295–300. Retrieved from


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