The education in function of the climatico change

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Nancy Amor Pérez
Feliberto Palomino Toledo
Yedennis Padin Pérez


The maximum authorities of our country take to roads in fact strategies that allow to mitigate the consequences of the climatic change. The National System of Education sinks to this initiative educating to the new generations, from early ages, so much for the institutional road as for the Program it Educates your Son". This road centers its efforts in the orientation to the family, as main stimulative of the development of its children, in its most diverse variants, of which is not exempt the environmental question. The solution to this problem is approached starting from the instrumentation of a pamphlet of family orientation to incentivate the love, care and conservation of the environment in the children from 4 to 5 years assisted by the Program it Educates your Son", in the Council Popular Siblings Cruz"; scenario in which a community project of the Department of Military Teaching is developed, to be the thematic one a question of National Security. One investigates, through diverse methods of the theoretical level as the analysis-synthesis, induction - deduction, historical-logical, systemic-structural and the modelación; other methods of the empiric level as the documental revision, the observation, interviews and he/she interviews; for the prosecution of the information it was used the index calculation and the methodological triangulación. The pamphlet of family orientation is structured taking like base the possibilities that offer the homes to carry out the activities in the own daily routines. The setting in practice of this proposal allowed to verify its funcionabilidad, obtaining you superior results in the final diagnosis.


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How to Cite
Amor Pérez, N., Palomino Toledo, F., & Padin Pérez, Y. (2021). The education in function of the climatico change. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(4), 1216–1228. Retrieved from


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