Reading comprehension in Cuban primary school: one Altena

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Luis Mijares Núñez


Students from elementary school in Cuba show difficulties in understanding written texts, beyond the literal. This is a common difficulty at this level, and although the results of recent international research situate Cuba on preferential terms compared to other countries of the continent, improve cognitive outcomes and extend the development of personality, is today a challenge and an need to be inserted into the country's efforts to raise the general culture of his people. an alternative methodology that is characterized as holistic, interactive, and involves guided training, cooperative learning and independent learning procedures using reading comprehension is proposed. a quasi-experiment (test-posttest) for primary 4th grade students for 11 weeks and with a frequency of 5 hours a week driving. The methodology used (independent variable) affected the development of reading comprehension in Spanish She applied the t-test for independent samples with highly significant results at a significance level of 0.05 - and in progress, understood these as positive developments in indicators personal development, in turn ascertained by other methods and research techniques.


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How to Cite
Mijares Núñez, L. (2003). Reading comprehension in Cuban primary school: one Altena. Mendive. Journal on Education, 1(2), 110–115. Retrieved from


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