Actions of learning strategies for training skills to argue and assess

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Marbelis Álvarez Arteaga
Bárbara Lidia Álvarez Fonte


The learning process in the third educational Revolution has as objective to arrive to an integral general culture starting from the paradigm to learn how to learn which allows the individual to deepen in the pedagogic activity through the learning strategies as a way to adapt to his environment, obtaining indispensable information for survival and transformation in the current globalized and computerized world, where he is forced to make decisions, alternatives which he will only achieve using a strategy in which he has been trained and qualified by the Cuban school, for which we offer some reflections about the achievement of abilities as to argue and to value.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Arteaga, M., & Álvarez Fonte, B. L. (2006). Actions of learning strategies for training skills to argue and assess. Mendive. Journal on Education, 5(1), 60–64. Retrieved from


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