The advent of Amalivaca, a Guyanese legend Martí

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Yanira Muñoz García
Alberto Iglesias Ortega


This article begins with an analysis made by the Cuban essayist Cintio Vitier about the mythical figure of the Great Semí, which appears in a Venezuelan source that appears in the essay “Nuestra America”, written by José Martí, in his coincidences with Amalivaca and his expansion toward interpretations that relate him with a Guyanese legend where it is explained the genesis of this mythical figure, as well as his humanistic essence according to author's appreciations.


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How to Cite
Muñoz García, Y., & Iglesias Ortega, A. (2005). The advent of Amalivaca, a Guyanese legend Martí. Mendive. Journal on Education, 3(3), 181–184. Retrieved from


- Martí, J. Nuestra América. Ensayo. Editora Ciencias Sociales, 1973. Obras Completa, t. 6, p. 15

- Carrew, Jan - Leyenda de Amalivaca, Revista Unión número 1, 1987.

- Martí Pérez, José - Nuestra América, El Partido Liberal, México, 1891.

- Vitier, Cintio - Temas Martianos. Editorial Arte y Literatura, La Habana, 1990.