The communicative teaching task-interactive for teaching Spanish as a foreign language

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Liliana Valdés Aragón


The teaching tasks that are presented in this article respond to a conception of interactive language learning with strong cognitive and humanist bases. Each main task contains a group of supporting tasks that offer opportunities to the students for interacting with the language they are learning in problem solution which demand their attention to content more than to form. The tasks are directed to the formation of values, the protection of the environment, the communicative competence, the declarative, procedural and attitudinal knowledge, to the development of learning strategies that favor interaction, the exchange of meaning, the reflection, the cooperation, the socialization, and the pleasant learning with a strong cultural component that reflect the life and the history of all the people of the world.


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How to Cite
Valdés Aragón, L. (2005). The communicative teaching task-interactive for teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Mendive. Journal on Education, 3(3), 164–170. Retrieved from


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