Emotional Intelligence. Its influence on the success of the group work in school to promote developer learning

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María del Carmen Carrillo
Eneida Miranda Álvarez
Dariel Enrique Chirino Carrillo


The theoretical foundations presented by Martínez, Cristóbal (2008) in his book “ Considerations on E motional Intelligence" concerning emotional intelligence, in addition to intellectual intelligence and its influence on the success of group work, were a source of inspiration for this article ’s authors, which aim to p rovide some guidelines that enable developing emotional capacities in the school group, in order to contribute to the teaching-learning developer process.


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How to Cite
del Carmen Carrillo, M., Miranda Álvarez, E., & Chirino Carrillo, D. E. (2013). Emotional Intelligence. Its influence on the success of the group work in school to promote developer learning. Mendive. Journal on Education, 12(1), 88–96. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/646


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