Challenges and prospects for the integration of higher education for. An experience at the Municipal University Center

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Noraida Garbizo Flores
Francisco Cruz Ávila
Yerelys Alfonso González


The experience accumulated by the municipal university branches, demonstrates that the integration of the Superior Education is a process, generated by the necessity of the linking university-society in the process of the professionals' formation that has required the use of the potentialities of each one of the centers, institutions, and companies of the territory, being demonstrated that the same one has been been of the transformations that ha ve been implemented in the Superior Education. Keeping in mind the necessity of this process the present work exposes the experience that you/they are come reaching in the municipality Consolation of the South as regards integration.


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How to Cite
Garbizo Flores, N., Cruz Ávila, F., & Alfonso González, Y. (2013). Challenges and prospects for the integration of higher education for. An experience at the Municipal University Center. Mendive. Journal on Education, 11(2), 190–197. Retrieved from


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