The educational program: a challenge of the university extension in today's university

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Teonila Álvarez Echevarría


An indispensable condition of the scientific organi zation of the subject to teach in all society, constitutes the structuring of the educational programs, guiding document - of the teaching learning process, which contain from the objectives that each society projects in its historical moment, going by the educational objectives and those cognitive nodes peculiar of the concrete sciences, until arriving to the ethical values that implicitly are contained in the significance of the subject to teach. The university extension as a main process of today's university, is in the obligation of organizing these programs to cover cultural necessities of the most diverse topics, by means of teaching optional courses and of cultural extension inside of and outside the university; due to that, elaborating educational p rograms is a social necessity, but it is also a challenge to achieve that the cultural entire development of the university community is harmonic and significant.


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Álvarez Echevarría, T. (2012). The educational program: a challenge of the university extension in today’s university. Mendive. Journal on Education, 10(3), 219–228. Retrieved from


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