The integral formation of the pioneers in their early ages, from a historical perspective-contemporary

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Liset Veitía Mederos


This paper presents a study related to the involvement of the elementary-student organizations in the holistic education of its members, establishing the relationship among the different historical stages known, up to the contemporary period. Since the beginning, the elementary-student organizations in Cuba have been strongly related to the revolutionary process, providing its members with patriotic education. The current “José Martí” elementary-student organization designs the action plan aiming at the increasing holistic education of its members since their early ages, during the “Moncadista” stage. Involving the elementary students in the activities of the organization and turning the functioning ways into an executive and assessing instrument of the students activity, is nowadays a strength to achieve such a goal.


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How to Cite
Veitía Mederos, L. (2010). The integral formation of the pioneers in their early ages, from a historical perspective-contemporary. Mendive. Journal on Education, 8(4), 311–316. Retrieved from


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