Theoretical basis for the development of a glossary of environmental terms for college students

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Carmen Rosa Pacheco Carpio
Maryuri García González


This article is a theoretical proposal for the elaboration of a glossary of environmental terms w ith academic purposes. It is aimed to familiarize students with terminology of the new environmental knowledge and enable them through such knowledge to become more sensible on such topic. The proposal is based on the specialized revision of previous sourc es taking into account the multidisciplinary work of linguists, lexicographers and field specialists and their criteria to make up a product easy to be assimilated and understood by students and at the same time having the necessary quality to be used to t ransform the environment.


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How to Cite
Pacheco Carpio, C. R., & García González, M. (2011). Theoretical basis for the development of a glossary of environmental terms for college students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 9(4), 250–254. Retrieved from


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