Transformational model in evaluation for empowerment and transfer of learning

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Marisol del Carmen Álvarez Cisternas
Karen Nicole Jiménez Mena


This study describes and deepens the use of evaluation procedures based on the participation of students regarding the objectives and achievements in their learning results, promoting evaluation processes based on empowerment and the transfer of effective learning from the evaluation. The study is based on a qualitative descriptive approach, with a non-experimental design based on intrinsic case studies. The results show that students developed critical thinking skills, collaborative work and skills to make autonomous decisions, considering the way in which students are empowered by their own evaluation processes. An issue that the teacher himself promoted during the development of the subject was that his students could reflect on their learning achievements, which facilitated the possibility of making correct decisions at the right time, changing the way in which the students approached their commitments. work and academic work on a recurring basis, giving them the possibility of choosing the way in which they were organized and the best way to present the evidence of their work to be evaluated, giving them the possibility of reviewing and correcting the results of their evaluations with their group mates. and identify their errors collaboratively, the same was done by the teacher as an effective feedback process, the students recognize that they had access to the rubrics and evaluation guidelines in advance, which facilitated their work in addition to being able to have more feedback. descriptive of its successes and errors.


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Álvarez Cisternas, M. del C., & Jiménez Mena, K. N. (2024). Transformational model in evaluation for empowerment and transfer of learning. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3972. Retrieved from


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