Theoretical perspectives of environmental education from educommunication in digital environments

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Elizabeth Colombé Frías
Jorge Moreno Aragón
Marisela Frías Tamayo


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have a high potential to promote behaviors that counteract the environmental deterioration of the planet. In this context, educommunication, understood as the confluence between education and communication, has gained relevance in digital environments. This review addresses the main theoretical perspectives and the relationship between environmental education and educommunication, with the aim of socializing the theories that support these processes to transform teaching and learning in a world mediated by technology. The research has a mixed approach and a non-experimental, descriptive, field design, focused on a dialectical materialist perspective. Theoretical methods such as historical-logical analysis were used, which allowed studying the background and theoretical perspectives of environmental education from educommunication in digital environments and the systemic-structural method, which approached research as an interrelated unit. In addition, documentary analysis, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction techniques were applied. Among the main results, a significant evolution in environmental education was noted, from conservationist approaches to comprehensive strategies that include sociocultural and technological aspects. Several trends in this evolution were identified, such as the move from an isolated reaction to a defined political strategy, and from practice disconnected from theory to a focus on praxis. These elements facilitate the effective implementation of environmental education in a hyperconnected world and promote greater community participation and the integration of public policies and institutional programs.


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How to Cite
Colombé Frías, E., Moreno Aragón, J., & Frías Tamayo, M. (2024). Theoretical perspectives of environmental education from educommunication in digital environments . Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(4), e3928. Retrieved from


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