Pinar del Rio bastions of Cuban teachers teaching Leandro Gonzalez Alcorta: foster teacher Pinar del Río

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Rosabel Hernández Crespo
Leonardo D. Crespo Matías


This work is one of the leading figures of Pinar del Rio Pedagogy, the itinerary of his life up to the teachers, how he came to our province being Spanish by birth, his work at the Institute of Secondary Education in our province and its bibliographic work in the field of Pedagogy and Psychology, also contains the position in favor of our independence from Spanish colonialism kept this selfless man who became a great teacher not only in our province but of Cuba and the world. Alcorta is the pioneer of Cuban Pedagogy of the early twentieth century in the province of Pinar del Río


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How to Cite
Hernández Crespo, R., & Crespo Matías, L. D. (2003). Pinar del Rio bastions of Cuban teachers teaching Leandro Gonzalez Alcorta: foster teacher Pinar del Río. Mendive. Journal on Education, 1(3), 208–213. Retrieved from


Alcorta González, L. (1902). Datos para la Historia de Vueltabajo. Pinar del Río, Cuba.

Alcorta González, L. (1905). Discurso de apertura del curso académico 1905-1906. Pinar del Río.

Alcorta González, L. (1914). Vuelta Abajo Intelectual y Mambí. Pinar del Río.

Santovenia, E. (1926). Estudio Bibliográfico. La Habana.

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