Teachers and the state of Honduras: between protests and agreements (1997-2009)

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Daniel Enrique Esponda Velásquez
Edgardo Antonio Casaña Mejía
Leonardo Pérez Lemus
María de la Caridad González Martínez


The history of Honduran education has significant works, which have been produced at different historical moments and which have been accompanied by protests and pacts by teachers. The objective is to highlight the history of the asymmetry of the Honduran teachers' union with the state of Honduras, between the end of the 1990s and the first decade of this century; likewise, in the specificity, to highlight the protests and pacts of the parties. The importance of the subject lies in unraveling the forms of protest and the negotiations initiated by teachers in relation to state actions. It was necessary to carry out a document and content analysis review of the bibliographic and newspaper sources that address the subject. It is noted that teachers have been a belligerent union in the history of Honduras, since they have put governments in difficulty with different pressure measures such as protests and negotiation frameworks. These actions have been what have led to pressure and to ensure that the teachers' struggle does not remain in their trenches, but that the union has identified this commitment to Honduran society.


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How to Cite
Esponda Velásquez, D. E., Casaña Mejía, E. A., Pérez Lemus, L., & González Martínez, M. de la C. (2024). Teachers and the state of Honduras: between protests and agreements (1997-2009) . Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3787. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/3787


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