Sociolinguistics and interactive teaching Spanish as a foreign language (II)

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Liliana Valdés Aragón


This article is part of a research theme where it is treated different items of the communication process in relation with culture, language and society from a dialectic materialistic approach. It also contains the language importance and it’s functions as communication means, the context parameters, sociolinguistics essential concept, and the interaction which constitute a fundamental item in Vigotsky’s thesis in relation to the changing activity of man as a social being. These items enrich the elaboration and the application of a task’s program the author presents for the development of the interactive teaching of Spanish as a foreign language in Physical Education students.


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How to Cite
Valdés Aragón, L. (2009). Sociolinguistics and interactive teaching Spanish as a foreign language (II). Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(3), 176–180. Retrieved from


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