Active strategies and pedagogical currents in teacher training

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Pedro Luis Gonzalez Rivera


In the reality of current teacher training, the application of strategies that promote active learning is a necessity for the preparation of educators. Precisely, the objective of this work was to assess some of the strategies in the study of pedagogical currents with an active focus on teacher training. This forced us to think creatively about the methods and techniques of current teaching, which caused a true revolution in teaching strategies to achieve the planned objectives. From an eminently qualitative conception in the elaboration of this work, documentary research methods were used, which allow the approach to various bibliographic sources on pedagogical currents, teaching strategies and their application in various contexts. Likewise, analysis and synthesis were applied in an intentional selection of sources within the wide production of texts on innovative pedagogical trends, as well as induction and deduction in professional training. Participant observation, interviews with key informants, application of questionnaires and methods associated with working with the results of the teaching activity were also used. The applied methodology combined a variety of active strategies and resources. The results show that the educational activities from the subject related to the pedagogical currents are beneficial in the cultural formation of educators. It has been shown that the application of educational strategies with an active approach favors the significant learning of the pedagogical currents in the educational present of the teachers in training.


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How to Cite
Rivera, P. L. G. (2024). Active strategies and pedagogical currents in teacher training. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(2), e3625. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Pedro Luis Gonzalez Rivera, Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador, Guayaquil Headquarters. Ecuador

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Master en Desarrollo social, Licenciado en Educación. Coordinador del Grupo de Investigación en Educación e Información Científica (GIEDIC)


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