Activities for the development of phonemic hearing in the prevention of language disorders
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In the production of language, the verbal motor and auditory-verbal analyzers play a crucial role, which together guarantee the successful generation of language. Within the framework of elements that intervene in this complex process, various neuropsychological factors have been identified, among which is phonemic hearing. The role played by phonemic hearing in the analysis and synthesis of language signs will allow the acquisition of oral and written language, so it is necessary to consider the possibilities of preventing language disorders from its adequate and timely stimulation. The objective of this work is to socialize the results achieved with the elaboration and application of activities for the development of phonemic hearing in children of the fifth year of life. For the execution of the aforementioned study, different research methods were used such as: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive, modeling, ppedagogical testand pre-experiment, which allowed the design and application of these activities with the objective of developing children's phonemic hearing and preventing language disorders in children in their fifth year of life in the nursery school. The activities were applied systematically within the educational process of the aforementioned year and the existence of progress in the development of phonemic hearing of the children studied was confirmed, since the errors detected in the initial evaluation decreased significantly, which shows the effectiveness of the applied activities.
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