Some ideas about the achievement of educational leadership

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Bárbara Dayamí García Rodríguez
Ramón González Calero


To face the changes and challenges that systematically happen in the educational system to any instance, the leader, more than an administrator will necessarily have to be an educational leader, or you eliminate the possibility of taking the education of the new generations ahead. The possibilities of success at present find their fundamental roots in the capacity of the leader to secure the best human values and to project them to the future, with the aid of the most advanced scientific management techniques. It is offered some reflections that allow the consequent application of new methods and management styles that open the way to a constant collective search of creative solutions to the problems.


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How to Cite
García Rodríguez, B. D., & González Calero, R. (2008). Some ideas about the achievement of educational leadership. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(1), 20–23. Retrieved from


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