Strategy for the training and development of infotechnological skills

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Yoesky Reyes Galardy
Jorge Estrada Silveira


The didactic strategy is the empirical and theoretical interpretation that allows determining and formulating as a problem: deficiencies in the training and development of computer skills in the second cycle of Primary Education, which limits the learning of the Computing subject. The objective of the work was: the elaboration of a didactic strategy for the formation and development of infotechnological skills in the students of the second cycle of Primary Education, which favors the learning of the Computing subject by them. Methods and techniques of the qualitative criterion of the investigation, observation, interview, survey, pedagogical test and document review, were used in order to achieve the proposed purpose. The main result proposed was the strategy for the formation and development of infotechnological skills in students of Primary Education, as well as the system of actions that emerged as part of the four stages that comprise it: diagnosis, planning and orientation, execution and evaluation. This strategy allowed the preparation of teachers, through the form of organization of teacher preparation.


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How to Cite
Reyes Galardy, Y., & Estrada Silveira, J. (2023). Strategy for the training and development of infotechnological skills. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3199. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Yoesky Reyes Galardy, Universidad de Granma "Blas Roca"

Centro Universitario Municipal Jiguani

Jorge Estrada Silveira, Citma Provincial Granma

Especialista del Citma en la Provincia Granma, Cuba


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