Educational tasks of postgrad centered in prevention of professional illnesses: methodological considerations for their employment

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Evelyn González Betancourt
Yasser García Baró
Lissette Jiménez Sánchez


The educational tasks of postgrad are located in the epicenter of the formative processes that you/they take place in that educational level. The development of methodological aspects, linked to its employment for the treatment to the contents of prevention of professional illnesses, constitutes a demand verified in the bibliographical revision and in the educational practice. With the result that the present study, assume the objective of elaborating some methodological considerations for the employment of educational tasks of postgrad centered in prevention of professional illnesses. From a dialectical-materialistic positioning, they were applied during the investigation theoretical methods as the analysis and synthesis, the historical-logical one, the systematizing and the modulation; in the empiric level the revision of documents was used in function of the reports of precedent investigations and of the juridical dispositions that regulate essential aspects linked to the topic. He/she also conformed to, a focal group to obtain approaches valorative on the relevancy of the methodological considerations. As part of the result, they are necessary procedural aspects associated to the treatment of the contents of prevention of professional illnesses in the educational tasks of postgrad, among them those of systematizing, administration of the knowledge, acting, innovation and communication. In conclusive terms it is informed that the methodological considerations for the employment of educational tasks of postgrads centered in prevention of professional illnesses, conform a sequence of interdisciplinary procedural approaches of high relevancy, according to results of the focal group, being evidenced the execution of the proposed objective.


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How to Cite
González Betancourt, E., García Baró, Y., & Jiménez Sánchez, L. (2023). Educational tasks of postgrad centered in prevention of professional illnesses: methodological considerations for their employment. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(1), e3115. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Evelyn González Betancourt, Policlínico Docente René Vallejo Ortiz

Doctora en Medicina Especialista de Primer Grado en Medicina General Integral

Yasser García Baró, Consultoría Jurídica Matanzas

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Matanzas

Lissette Jiménez Sánchez, Universidad de Matanzas

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesora Titular, Directora de Posgrado, Premio Nacional de Pedagogía 2021.


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