Flipped Classroom model for English vocabulary learning

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Myriam Johana Chicaiza Chango


The Flipped Classroom model has extended its application in recent years, as an alternative to motivate and engage students in their meaningful learning process. In the case of teaching English as a foreign language, it is also recognized as a useful tool. The objective of this work is to evaluate its usefulness in improving the learning of vocabulary in English and the feasibility of it´s implementing at eighth grade level of basic education in a public educational unit in Quito, Ecuador. Qualitative research was developed based on documentary sources and the consultation of teachers who teach English at that school level, through a designed and validated interview. The analysis of the information collected allowed us to identify that Flipped Classroom is a valid model to improve the learning of vocabulary in English. In the school studied, it has positive factors for its implementation, such as the knowledge of it that teachers generally have, the frequent use of activities that promote autonomous and cooperative work, and technological tools and applications. However, it was identified as a limitation that the economic conditions are not favorable; as the level of training and education in innovative strategies by teachers.


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Chicaiza Chango, M. J. (2023). Flipped Classroom model for English vocabulary learning. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(1), e2997. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/2997


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